Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

Cogeneration, Save energy with Combined Heat & Power (CHP) solutions

Do you manage an industrial facility, a collective residential building, a medical institution or a care home, a hotel, restaurant, or office facilities?

Then CHP (Combined Heat & Power) can be an excellent energy efficient solution for you. A system which generates heat and power at the same time can provide 12% to 25% primary energy savings versus traditional systems!

With CHP, we can help you to reduce your energy consumption and energy bill.

We provide complete CHP solutions covering design, installation, operations & maintenance, through to financing your CHP.

Learn more about our solutions

Do you manage an industrial facility in Belgium ?

Industrial CHP

Do you manage a collective residential building in the Brussels area ?

Residential CHP in the Brussels area

Do you manage a collective residential building (outside the Brussels area), a medical institution or care home, a hotel, restaurant or office facilities ?

Residential and commercial CHP

Do you manage a farming business with methanizable waste (livestock manure) ?

Agricultural CHP


Do you manage an industrial site in Belgium ?

You use heat and electricity, and you want to significantly reduce your energy bills ?

Natural gas CHP allows you to generate heat and electricity and reduce energy losses all at the same time.

The electrical energy produced is primarily consumed onsite and thermal energy produced is used in the heating network of your site. Any excess electricity is sold on the public distribution network.


You are entitled to receive green certificates for all the electricity generated which you can then monetize.

You can take full advantage of the very favorable and sustainable spread between the competitive gas purchase prices and rising electricity prices.

A few references

  • Design & build of a 637 kWe CHP facility and district heating network feeding 8 substations at the Liege airport in Belgium
  • A ten-year Energy Performance Contract for a 1,500 MWe CHP facility to supply the Walhorn dairy plant, owned by Lactalis group.

Reference companies :

Coretec Energy


Do you manage a collective residential building, a medical institution or care home, a hotel,  restaurant, or offices ?

You use heat and electricity and you want to significantly reduce your energy bills ?

Natural gas CHP allows you to generate heat and electricity and reduce energy losses all at the same time.

The electricity generated is consumed onsite or sold on the public distribution network.

The thermal energy produced is used on your premises to meet your heating and hot water needs.

Specific benefits apply in Belgium :

The electricity generated entitles you to receive green certificates which you can then monetize.

You can benefit from the very favorable and sustainable spread between the competitive gas purchase prices and rising electricity prices.

Specific benefits apply in France :

When renewable cogeneration (CHP) is combined with the purchase of certified biogas with Guarantee of Origin, this enables you to satisfy part of the new requirements of the RE 2020 (Environmental Regulations for new buildings 2020).

A few references

  • Installation and maintenance of over 50 CHP facilities for collective residential buildings in the Brussels area.
  • Installation of the highest European CHP unit at an altitude of 3,835 m for the French Club Alpin at the “Refuge du Goûter” on the Mont Blanc path.
  • CHP unit and Heat Pump installed for low-income collective housing of ICF La Sablière in Paris.

Reference companies :

CogenGreen, Cogenfin


 Do you manage a farming business with methanizable waste (livestock manure) ?

You have methanizable waste from your operations which can be used to improve your environmental footprint and generate new income.

Local biogas production from waste methanization combined with a CHP unit allows you to generate heat and electricity at the same time while transforming your waste into an environmental-friendly energy source.

The electricity generated can be consumed onsite or sold on the public distribution network.

The thermal energy produced is used on your premises to meet your heating and hot water needs.

Specific benefits apply in Belgium :

You are entitled to receive green certificates based on the electricity generated by your CHP unit which you can then monetize.

Specific benefits apply in France :

20 year guaranteed feed-in tariffs with the open-desk of the CRE (Energy Regulation Commission) for units below 500 kWe.

Feed-in tariffs available via open tenders of the CRE for units above 500 kWe.

A few references

  • Manufacture and supply of CHP biogas container units from 80 kWe to 500 kWe for livestock farms in France.

Reference companies :
