Décret Tertiaire

Reduce your energy consumption : Implement the “Decret Tertiaire” !

The Décret Tertiaire (Tertiary Decree) is a French law of 23 July 2019, which applies to commercial buildings with a surface greater than 1,000 m2 imposing strict energy consumption reductions between now and 2050.

Do you manage commercial property, such as offices, commercial centres, communal buildings, hotels, or logistics warehousing, with a surface area greater than 1,000 m2 in France ?

If so, then you are obliged to reduce your energy consumption by at least 40% from 2030, then by 50% in 2040 and by 60% in 2050, compared to a reference year, and to communicate your energy consumption to the government every year from 2021 onwards. We can provide you with complete energy solutions to implement the tertiary decree, covering initial diagnosis, investigation, implementation and financing of energy efficiency projects, as well as collection and transfer of energy consumption data.


If you manage a commercial property of more than 1,000 m2 then you may be wondering how to apply the provision of the Tertiary Decree of 23 July 2019, issued under the ELAN law.

We propose to transform this regulatory constraint into an opportunity to reduce your energy costs.

Thanks to our Energy Performance Contract, a turnkey partnership that guarantees the energy performance of your facilities over a fixed period (5 to 15 years), we take care of the whole energy efficiency process.

We accompany you along each step of the implementation of the decree by following our energy efficiency approach

  • Step 1: Initiate the collection of energy consumption data via our ECO 2.0 platform and transmission to the ADEME OPERAT platform before September 30, 2021
  • Step 2: Pre-diagnosis. Calculating energy consumption by use. Analysis of operating systems. Identification of energy saving sources. Mapping of solutions to be deployed.
  • Step 3: Feasibility study. In-depth study of the proposed improvement plans including the description of the various solutions, their cost and implementation timelines, available subsidies, and associated IRR.
  • Step 4: Design. Complete design of the solutions to be implemented.
  • Step 5: Installation. Implementation of the selected solutions.
  • Step 6: Operation and Performance Monitoring. Operation and management of installations to guarantee the performance of the solutions implemented. Our ECO 2.0 platform constantly tracks your energy reductions.
  • Step 7: Energy Performance Contract. Long-term commitment, by your side, to guarantee the reduction of your energy consumption and to finance the solutions to be implemented.